Month: April 2019

  • The ten secrets to surviving Law School REVEALED

    I originally wrote this post in 2017, but I’m reposting it this week to share with my new students. Good luck with law school! OK, that title was complete clickbait. And usually this is a blog about health law. But we run a Master of Health Law program, as well as doing research, so I…

  • Verifying IVF births involving donated sperm, eggs or embryos: changes to the law in New South Wales

    A previous post discussed the case of Natalie Parker, an Australian mother of two young boys who, following the conclusion of IVF treatment, donated three spare embryos to a woman she met on the Embryo Donation Network, a place where donors and recipients can advertise and make contact. Parker was prepared to donate the embryos,…

  • Why the media gets it wrong on obesity

    “I’m not overweight”, writes columnist Katrina Grace Kelly in The Australian.  “I’m just the helpless pawn of a vicious corporate conspiracy”. Amusing read, but it also illustrates why public health researchers are failing to cut-through with governments and the broader community on obesity. “The ‘obesogenic environment’ is the culprit here, apparently”, Kelly writes, referring to…