Tag: Health Policy

  • Let guidelines be your guide: AHPRA and National Boards to reform cosmetic procedures sector

    Let guidelines be your guide: AHPRA and National Boards to reform cosmetic procedures sector

    As the guidelines develop, it will be interesting to see how the regulator and Boards attempt to deal with the difficult problem of social media promotion in this very popular sector.

  • Alcohol causes 3 million deaths each year. Eliminating conflicts of interest is vital to bringing this number down

    Alcohol causes 3 million deaths each year. Eliminating conflicts of interest is vital to bringing this number down

    Alcohol causes three million deaths each year, including 13.5% of deaths amongst those aged 20-39 years. But the personal and economic costs of alcohol-related harm are not met by the alcohol industry.

  • Closing the Gap and health governance reform: a brief review

    Closing the Gap and health governance reform: a brief review

    The National Agreement on Closing the Gap is an ambitious all-of-government framework for improving the health and welfare of Australia’s first nations peoples. This post briefly reviews the Agreement and considers its significance as an example of health governance reform.

  • Freedom to protest, public health, and Covid-19

    Update: the podcast of the event described below is now available, click here. Recently, a number of protests have taken place on the grounds of The University of Sydney against Commonwealth government education policies.  See, for example, here (28 August) and here (14 October). During the latter protest, police were filmed throwing a demonstrator heavily onto…

  • Post Covid: alcohol and the night time economy in the Sydney CBD

    Sydney’s CBD has been bleak and empty the past few months, especially at night, but coronavirus restrictions in NSW are slowly easing. From 1 June, pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants can seat up to 50 customers (instead of the previous 10), provided businesses ensure social distancing of one person per 4 square metres, and no…

  • Breastfeeding rooms in US federal buildings: who would have thought?!

    Last year the US watered down a resolution of the World Health Assembly that would have called on States to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding”, and to provide technical support to “halt inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children”. A step too far, apparently, given the economic interests of US-domiciled formula companies. See…

  • Why the media gets it wrong on obesity

    “I’m not overweight”, writes columnist Katrina Grace Kelly in The Australian.  “I’m just the helpless pawn of a vicious corporate conspiracy”. Amusing read, but it also illustrates why public health researchers are failing to cut-through with governments and the broader community on obesity. “The ‘obesogenic environment’ is the culprit here, apparently”, Kelly writes, referring to…

  • What becomes of a country that cannot protect its young?

      March for our lives, Washington DC, 24 March 2018   It’s too early to say if the grassroots social movement initiated by students who survived the gun massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida will be successful in nudging America’s gun laws in the direction of rationality and evidence. After killing 17…

  • Upcoming events: The Food Governance Showcase

    On Friday the 3rd of November, Sydney Health Law is co-hosting the Food Governance Showcase at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre. The Showcase will present new research from University of Sydney researchers and affiliates, examining the role of law, regulation and policy in creating a healthy, equitable, and sustainable food system. The Showcase…

  • Enabling the angels of death?

    Draft voluntary euthanasia legislation, called the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2017 (NSW) has been released for public comment. Drafted by a cross-Parliamentary working group, it may be the closest contender yet for the legalisation of assistance-in-dying for people living in NSW who are suffering from a terminal disease. A short summary of the Bill appears…